Co-ownership, simplified: Pacaso in a nutshell

headshot of writer Tony Huynh
Tony Huynh
August 1, 2024
We’ll come right out and say it: Pacaso is not a timeshare. We’ve taken the decades-old practice of families and friends co-owning a home and modernized it for today’s buyers. Through our co-ownership model, you can co-own a luxury second home in an epic destination and experience all the benefits of real ownership for a fraction of the cost.
And the best part? As you’re enjoying the home-year round, Pacaso takes care of the furnishings, repairs and property management — all the things you don’t want to think about with a second home.Watch this video to learn more about how Pacaso simplifies second home co-ownership.
Want to learn more about Pacaso? Check out our co-ownership resources or explore our curated collection of luxury second homes.

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