Helping communities thrive
Pacaso owners are families, neighbors and local business supporters.

Responsible second home ownership
Families next door
Your Pacaso neighbors are families, not corporations. Owners, not renters. Together, they own 100% of their home.
Economic benefits
Unlike a typical second home, Pacaso homes are occupied nearly 90% of the time — providing year-round support for local businesses.
Sustainable ownership
Pacaso reduces competition for middle-tier homes by consolidating up to eight buyers into one luxury home.
Part of the community
No one benefits when homes are empty. Pacaso co-owners use their homes year-round, supporting local businesses and building community connections.
Owners, not renters
Forget short-term renters. Pacaso serves homeowners and their families. They are invested in their home and bring an owner’s mindset to their use and care of the property. All owners agree to Pacaso’s policies, which prohibit rentals and large events or parties.

Owners, not renters
Forget short-term renters. Pacaso serves homeowners and their families. They are invested in their home and bring an owner’s mindset to their use and care of the property. All owners agree to Pacaso’s policies, which prohibit rentals and large events or parties.
Setting the record straight
How does Pacaso affect communities? We’d like to address some common misconceptions. Watch the video to learn how Pacaso provides housing solutions, supports communities, and why Pacaso owners make great neighbors.
Supporting the local economy
Most second homes sit vacant 10-11 months each year. In contrast, Pacaso homes are occupied nearly 90% of the year, meaning owners and their families are patronizing local shops and restaurants in all seasons. The result: nearly 10 times more spending at local businesses compared to the average second home.

Supporting the local economy
Most second homes sit vacant 10-11 months each year. In contrast, Pacaso homes are occupied nearly 90% of the year, meaning owners and their families are patronizing local shops and restaurants in all seasons. The result: nearly 10 times more spending at local businesses compared to the average second home.
Reducing competition for homes
As demand for second homes continues to rise, vacation communities across the U.S. are struggling with housing shortages and higher home prices. Pacaso helps to relieve this pressure by consolidating eight buyers into one luxury home, removing them from competition for moderately priced homes needed by the local workforce.

Reducing competition for homes
As demand for second homes continues to rise, vacation communities across the U.S. are struggling with housing shortages and higher home prices. Pacaso helps to relieve this pressure by consolidating eight buyers into one luxury home, removing them from competition for moderately priced homes needed by the local workforce.
Let’s work together
Strong communities are built on collaboration and respect. Unfortunately, Pacaso owners in some neighborhoods face discrimination and harassment. We strive to be good neighbors and good community citizens, and look forward to working together to make communities welcoming for all.
Pacaso Gives Back
Pacaso’s local food donation program gives Pacaso owners an easy and impactful way to give back, every time they stay at their home. It’s a meaningful way for owners to demonstrate their long-term, ongoing commitment to their second home community, help fight food insecurity, and reduce food waste.

Pacaso Gives Back
Pacaso’s local food donation program gives Pacaso owners an easy and impactful way to give back, every time they stay at their home. It’s a meaningful way for owners to demonstrate their long-term, ongoing commitment to their second home community, help fight food insecurity, and reduce food waste.
Connect with us
Have questions about a Pacaso in your community? We have a dedicated team available to address neighbor questions or concerns. Email us at, or check out our Neighbor FAQs.

Connect with us
Have questions about a Pacaso in your community? We have a dedicated team available to address neighbor questions or concerns. Email us at, or check out our Neighbor FAQs.