Why buy a vacation home with PacasoNow

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Pacaso’s Editorial Team
August 1, 2024
Friends hanging out on the patio of a second home
At Pacaso, we strive to make vacation homes possible for more people. PacasoNow enables you to experience the Pacaso lifestyle for 12 months at a much lower upfront cost.

Enjoy now, pay later

PacasoNow enables buyers to enjoy a luxury vacation home with less upfront cost and more flexibility. With just one upfront payment you’’ll get the complete Pacaso experience for 12 months, including easy scheduling, professional interior design and dedicated property management. If you choose to transition to long term ownership, 50% of your initial payment is applied to the down payment.
"With Pacaso, no stone is left unturned. The details are so well thought out that you know your investment is solid. It’s impossible to beat coming home to an amazing first-class home in a great location with all the amenities. It takes the pressure off of travel and makes for a seamless vacation every time."(Gary, PacasoNow buyer)
PacasoNow is offered on eligible homes in some of our most sought-after vacation home markets, including Napa, Miami, Lake Tahoe, Hilton Head Island, Newport Beach and Park City.

More flexibility, less commitment

So, what happens after 12 months of ownership? You have flexible options at the end of your lease term:
  1. Purchase. Make a full down payment and transition to long term ownership. 50% of your lease payment will be applied to the down payment.
  2. Walk away. No longer interested in owning? You can opt to return your Pacaso to us with no penalty for the purchase price paid.

Lifetime memories shouldn't wait

It's no secret the current macro environment makes it challenging to purchase a whole vacation home. PacasoNow, however, offers flexible ownership without the upfront financial cost. For less than the cost of a rental, you and your family can enjoy a home right away and determine if ownership is right for you.
"The PacasoNow program is a great way to explore your new home without the pressure of a long-term commitment. We all want to feel confident when buying a second home, and PacasoNow offers just that. It's a great feeling to get to live, feel and breathe the home, and it’s for a simple fee."(Gary, PacasoNow buyer)
See for yourself what it’s like to own a home that brings everyone together. Explore eligible listings and read the PacasoNow FAQs to learn more.

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