Pacaso Gives Back

headshot of writer Tony Huynh
Tony Huynh
August 1, 2024

Pacaso Gives Back: Fighting food insecurity, one home at a time

At Pacaso, we believe in enhancing the local communities where our second homes are located. To meet this vision, we are committed to supporting those communities in multiple ways, from creating a more sustainable solution for second home ownership, to employing local service providers, to sourcing local products. 
Pacaso owners have been looking for more opportunities to enrich their chosen communities. These are the places they return to throughout the year, places where they make memories with their families and friends, places they feel a special connection to. In fact, owners have expressed interest in finding service opportunities in their second home communities as a way to give back. In support of this interest and our mission to enrich lives in and beyond our homes, we are proud to introduce Pacaso Gives Back, a giving program designed to help tackle food insecurity in the communities where we do business.

Giving back with every stay

Pacaso Gives Back was developed to turn a problem — unused food left behind after owner stays — into a solution: awareness of food insecurity and support for local food banks. The program is simple: Owners can donate unopened, non-perishable food items at the end of each stay. This ensures that food is not wasted, and owners have an opportunity to give back to the communities they love, every time they stay. Donation bins are provided in every home, and local Pacaso staff will facilitate the collection and distribution of food items to local food banks.

A global cause

As a global company, it is important for us to embrace a global cause, and food insecurity is a problem that plagues communities around the world. Pacaso Gives Back, with a focus on food insecurity, felt like an ideal program for our company and our owners. Their participation is an easy but impactful way to reduce food waste, help fight food insecurity in the community, and give back on a recurring basis. 

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